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For me the metaphysical is everywhere.
Our existence is a miracle, everything is symbolic,
has meaning and the universe is always speaking to us.
"Tara Tarot psychic tarot readings & more"

Tara's Credentials


Certified Past Life Regression Therapist 2014
Certified Counsellor in Holistic Transformational Psychotherapy, Lifespace Institute, Toronto, 1993
Associate of Ontario College of Art & Design, Honours Graduate, Experimental Arts
O.C.A.D. Scholarship; Associate Teacher at Ontario College of Art & Design 1977-78
Certified Tarot Initiate, Psychohermetic Institute, Toronto, 1990
Certified High Touch Jin Shin Acupressure, Toronto, 1997
Radiance Technique/Real Reiki, 2nd Degree, Toronto,1992
Apprentice to Oriah Mountain Dreamer, Shamanic Teachings in the Twisted Hairs Medicine Society,1991
Initiated as a “Green Witch” by Susun Weed, Woodstock, New York 1987
Certified Past Life Regression 2014
Certified Oneness Diksha Practioner
Awakening the Illuminated Heart 2014
Professional Tarot Consultant 1989 to present.
Workshop leader in Women’s Spirituality, Dreams, Tarot, Astrology, Ceremonies, Arts, Transformational Work, Goddess Mysteries and Moon Circles at Grail Springs Spa,Bancroft Ontario 2011-present


I remembered where I originated, in the stars. I know in every fiber of my being that we are all infinite souls existing in simultaneous dimensions. It was very natural for me to follow a spiritual and creative path in life.  I have had many visions, dreams and real miraculous experiences that I was fortunate to have a witness or two with me to validate this. I am grateful for that.


At nine I informed my mother that I would be an artist because that gave me a license to live outside of what Stuart Wilde calls “tick tock.”

I bought my first Tarot deck at seventeen, read voraciously about mysticism, symbols, mythology, studied art history and then graduated from the Ontario College of Art in Experimental Arts.


I studied Tarot with Psychologist Dr. Tana Dineen in 1990. Tarot master Joseph Peidelstein trained me and started me reading at corporate events in 1991. I have been a full time professional Psychic, Intuitive reader since then.  I have read for 29,000 clients in 25 years worldwide. I am largely a self-taught Astrologer, Numerologist, tealeaf reader.


The Goddess called me back to her, at the sight of ancient temples in a Grade 11 Art History Class. This prompted me at 17 to travel and experience past life memories at Ancient sites; Stonehenge, Crete, Greece, Ephesus Turkey and later in Timbuktu and Egypt in the 70’s.

I became a Feminist at Art College. I began participating in monthly Goddess/Wiccan priestess gatherings in 1985 and co-led the "Wild Women's Wilderness Retreat" in 1989 in Haliburton. In 1987 I was initiated as a "Green Witch" at Susun Weed's farm in Woodstock, New York.


In 1989 around the break-up of my first marriage. I met and became an apprentice to Oriah Mountain Dreamer, author of The Invitation. I did four major Vision Quests, Shamanic healing ceremonies, workshops, sweat lodges, and Moon Lodge training in the Twisted Hair Sweet Medicine Teachings.Over the years I’ve worked with Starhawk, Marion Woodman, Gabriel Roth, Drunvalo Melchizedek, Deena Metzger, Peruvian shamans, Stuart Wilde and others teachers.


I was called to go to Sedona, Arizona in 1986 for the First Harmonic Convergence Aug.16-17 1987 and lived there for a while.


I love to teach, create ceremonies and lead workshops. I have led Dream groups and workshops since 1993. I continue to teach workshops at the Grail Springs Spa in Bancroft since 2011 and I lead travel tours to Sedona.

I am married with artist Napoleon Brousseau and have a daughter Leah, I have son, Elijah from my first marriage.


We live near The Beaches in Toronto with Jasper the German Sheppard, Gala the tuxedo cat and Jude the canary.


My Story

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