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30,000+ one of a kind readings.  With 33 years of experience


What happens when you book me and my other readers to come to your Event?

I help tailor a seamless, outstanding experience that everyone will talk about for years. Everyone always wants to know more about themslves.

Tarot readings, Astrology, Numerology, Palm Reading, Lipstick readings, Tea Leaf, Crystal ball, Energy Balancing, Aura, Dream, Handwiting analysis, Caricature Artists, Circus Performers, Belly dancers, Singers,  musicians, DJ's and more.

I need your date, location, time, type of event, number of guests and a budget. We can discuess various options best suited  and tailored to your needs.  I work with you to bring the most memorable experiences for your guests, family, employees and colleagues.


Holt Renfrew / The Bay / Sid Lee Advertising / Sierra Systems / ROM /

University of Toronto Hart House/ John Hardy Jewellery/ 

 Young & RubicamFundraiser for Marc Jacobs / Royal Wedding Party,Windsor Arms HotelGlobe & Mail Newspape / Toys 'R Us/ Microsoft Corp / Coca- ColaHello Magazine / CHFI / Brookfield Place Office Properties  / CNIBHBC COMMONWEALTH GAMES

OAFCO ntarioAssociationof Fire ChiefsCAPITAL ONE  /BOSTON PIZZA / Telus - corp.  /

George Brown College/ Cirque de Soleil / Indigo Books/  BUFFALLO JEANS / World's Biggest Bookstore/

TD Bank Financial Group / American Express / KPMG / Rothschild's, CanadaBell Canada / Minden Gross- Law Firm / Law Society of Upper CanadaMcMillen Holiday Event /

Cosmopolitan Hotel / M.C.I. Canada /Campbell's Corp.

MacDonald’s Corp. / Lerner's-Law firm / CHUM Television and RadioClub Monaco / The Bay /

St. Michael's Hospital / The Granite Club

The Jean Tweed Foundation / Panatages Hotel / Dublin Group /Canadian Opera CompanyShiseido Canada Inc. / Ace Bakery / Ministry of Finance / Royal Bank of Canada /National Bank of Canada / Royal Sun Alliance / Rogers Cable /Reuters News Agency / / Sony Music Corp. Canadian Drugstore/ SiGA /Windsor Arms Hotel / Eyespostgroup / The Toronto Real Estate Board / A.C. Neilson & CO. / Mayhew & Assoc./ Direct Energy /Cineplex Corp./ FZsion Creative / Crone's & Colitis Gift Gala,


Metro Convention CentrePath Financial Group Party / Bain & Co. Ontario Land Surveyors /Intrawest CorpIMAX/Tantus Films / Bell Canada / Loblaw's / Canwest / Sprint / Glaxo Smith Kline/

EMI Canada Koodoo Holiday Xmas PArty Dec 08 / Cystic Fibrosis Foundation/ St. George's Golf Club-100th Anniversary  /Initiative Media /  Tea Association of Canada / Schneider's & Maple Leaf Merger / Assoc. of Registered Interior Designers of Ontario / Kraft Canada / Metro Credit Union /   Big Daddy's Crabshack / Philips / Destination HalifaxI.T.W.A.L. / National Life / Eglinton Square Shopping Mall  / Maple Financial / CanWestAlias Software / Hill and Knowlton / Foot Locker / Shopper's Drug Mart / I.B.M.Haddasah/WIZO Spring Fling / Honeywell / Astrazeneca / Royal Sun AllianceClarins Spa / Tourism Toronto / NOW magazine  /Ryerson University / CARQUEST City of London Tourism    /Thomas Cook

“I'Thanks you sincerely for your contribution to making the Ignite show a huge success. Everyone was impressed with your professionalism and positive attitude.I hope you will get some additional business from the show and I would be happy to recommend your services.Best wishes and may you be well.  Rebecca, Tourism London's Toronto Area Office

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